Tuesday, December 10, 2019

The Rest Is...

One day I looked up,
And it seemed
What I had seen
I only dreamed,
But instead
I only screamed
At a pain
That cannot be redeemed
[Because I saw the truth].
Graveyard World - Offermoord


I’ve finally run out of things to say,
Or maybe I never said anything at all.
What is this world which I am in?
I’m alone and still not free from sin.
Time is running out for me to stall;
I’m alone with no where else for me to stay.
I’ve finally run out of things to do,
Or maybe I never did anything at all.
What is this world which I have lost?
I’d like it back, at any cost,
But time is running out for me to stall,
And I’ve yet to find something else that‘s new.
I’ve finally run out of things to be,
Or maybe I was never anyone at all.
Who is this person that I was?
I keep changing, I guess, because,
Time is running out for me to stall,
Until nothing means anything at all to me.